2015 Pop Sugar Book Challenge · Book Reviews

Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder


This book written from the point of view of a seven year old, so it was a little too young for me to connect with the characters. The story follows young Laura Ingalls through about two years living on a settlement in the middle of the woods. All her highs and lows and the joys of living you only can see through a child’s eyes. You see the simple life that people lived and how the appreciated the simplest of gifts and play. There were no X-boxes, and the best gifts you got for Christmas were a new dress or doll – not both usually. It gives you a new respect for what is truly important in life.

You do learn a lot about frontier life and what it took to survive. The book covers storing food, making butter, drying fruits and vegetables, canning, and storing meats. It also discusses the different dangers surrounding the settlers, such as bears and severe weather. Also, they cover collecting sap and making syrup. The book further emphasizes how much the settlers relied on each other and how they would help each other to prepare for the cold winter months. Furthermore, you learn how the settlers had to plan each week out so that everything got done – Cleaning on Monday, butter on Tuesday, Baking on Friday, Bathing on Saturday, etc. Everything they did was for a specific purpose that would help them survive. Faith and religion are also strongly reinforced and held in high respect.

It is a great story for learning about frontier living, but it is written for much younger readers. I did enjoy the information I learned and would be interested in reading the other books in the future to learn more about frontier life. The book does help you to look at your current life in a new way and to appreciate what you have.

My rating:

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